Welcome and thank you for visiting and taking the first step to personal well-being.

People seek out therapy for many reasons.  A few common ones are: parenting challenges, improving relationships and communication skills, addressing symptoms of stress and anxiety, experiencing struggles with self worth and confidence, and coping with difficulties experienced during times of change.

I help people in their desire to close the gap between where they are right now and where they want to be in the future.  I use integrative psychotherapy to bring the healing process to the whole person.



My focus is to help you explore and address what is keeping you from living the life you want. 


I welcome the opportunity to take part in your journey toward hope and healing in your relationship with yourself and others. 


I provide a warm, supportive, confidential environment where you will feel welcome and never judged

Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.
— David Richo